Other Services

At BEST Skills , we offer a range of services for families with students of all ages and backgrounds.

Academic Coaching

Our academic coaches work with students in middle school, high school, and college. Academic coaching provides students with the skills, guidance, and support need for reaching their academic and personal goals. Academic coaches work one on one with students to clarify priorities and set reasonable milestones for success. We share appropriate strategies, academic learning tools, and resources to enable students to meet their potential. Our academic coaches will work with students to:

  • Set semester and yearly goals.
  • Hold students accountable.
  • Develop strategies.
  • Manage academic and social stress.
  • Find and use academic resources.
  • Instill successful academic habits
  • Boost academic confidence.

ACT prep

BEST Skills work with students to help them achieve their goals in standardized testing and in college admissions. We have talented staff who help students familiarize themselves with test material and boost their scores. We provide individual tutoring, group sessions, and workshops all the ACT subject test.

The ACT prep provides:

  • Knowledge of the ACT.
  • A pre-test to evaluate strengths and weaknesses.
  • Test taking strategies.
  • Increase confidence and reduces anxiety.
  • Mock testing.
  • Individualized and unique study methods.